I took many photos but I had to leave some artist out because I had trouble with the memory card in my camera. I hope you enjoy the show.
Ode to the Majestic by Rachel Edwards-Rider from Canyon Lake, TX
First place in the exhibit
River of Life by Linda Thiemann from Allen, TX.
The Fertility Goddess by Barbara Forrister from Austin, TX.
Turquoise and Red Kimono by Renita Kuhn from Haslet, TX.
Construction: Concrete and Stone by Deborah Boschert from Lewisville, TX.
Corrugations by Meg Wilson from Austin, TX.
3rd. place in the exhibit
Cultivating Memories by Rachel Edwards-Rider from Canyon Lake, TX.
Life's Clothesline by Sally Middleton from Dallas, Texas
2ND. Place in the exhibit
The Texas Museum of Fiber Arts "exists to generate and promote artistic expressions in fiber arts of all kinds by exhibiting works of Texas artist and art made by Texans. It promotes and advances fiber art with educational activities and touring exhibits placed in selected venues throughout the state. In addition, the TMFA will work collaboratively and network with the many fine existing museums and institutions and fiber arts organizations."
For more information: info@texasfiberarts.org