The Christmas Season is upon us meaning life gets hectic, like it or not!
From now until Christmas lots of things to do like going to holiday parties, running errands and getting my home holiday ready for my family, a casual dinner with close friends and the annual get together with my quilting bee. I always look forward to the quilting bee party because it is a potluck so other than having drinks and the house ready there is not a lot for me to do. And the food is always yummy.
In the midst of all I'm working on a couple of commissions, due just before Christmas. Last year and the year before I told myself that I was not going to be making quilts for other people so close to the 24 of Dec. but it inevitable happens. It is hard to turn work down, so I did it again.
My reward once I finish the work in question is just above, 667 pages of it. I read another book by this author called "La Sombra del Viento" translated roughly "The Winds Shadow". It was one of those books you can't put down. I was very excited when I found this other book by the same author at my local book store. I just hope it is as good as the other one. The day after the quilts are picked up I will start reading this new book. Reading the book is going to be my sweet reward for working up until Christmas. You are probably wondering why not start reading it today. Well, the reason is that once I start a book that promises to be very good I have a hard time doing anything else. And the reason this entry title is Fabric because in order to start the book, the quilts have to be finished...Got it?
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